Product and Type designer based in San Francisco CA, currently at Kettle, onsite Apple.
Combining tech&design.
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Selected Awards

Print Design Award Winner Design for Social Impact: See Words.

SOTA Catalyst Award
TypeCon Presentation.
365: AIGA Year in Design

Systems Design. See Words.
Selected Conferences (Speaker)

Design Matters’23 Mexico City.

The Cooper Union. New York, USA.
TypeCon Portland, USA.
ATypI Association Typographique Internationale. Virtual Event.
IxDA Interaction Design Association. Monterrey, México.
Letrástica Guadalajara, México
TMX Monterrey, México.
Selected Publications

Communication Arts Magazine Interview.

Page Magazine Article, Interview & Work Featured.
Adobe Blog Interview.
Type Magazine No.3 Interview.
Iconism Work Featured.
BRAND Life: Health & Beauty Book Project Featured.
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